DAMaged my ACCOUnt

Nov 28, 2005 19:36

thURday...smoKED with BABE then had dinner with larger than liFE family at uncles sister's house babe picked me up then we went to go have soME more dinner at his friends house big jam they were having over there..apple pie a la mode never tasted better...Our FIrst THANKsgiVINg toGETHER..WELL sord OF =)

FRiday...woKE up AT 4:30AM tO go SHOPPIng WITh teremari... i KNOw what YOUr thINKIng CRAZY ass BITch BUT hey I roll WITH THe INfamous
wHAT do YOU expect?...i BOUGHT so MANY thiNGS AND CAUGHT some REALLY good SALES..THEY WERE even GIving AWAy free stuFF with some oF youR Purchases at DADELAND...we WERE there until 12 and we HAD not EATEN A SINGLE thiNG WE werte AFRAID TO WASTE TIME... SALES stopped AT 12 THEN we MET up WITH tere's MOM at OLIVE garden ate SOME GOOd ass PASTA that HIT the SPOt...WENt hoME tooK a HUGE nap and WOKE up TO MY baby sayiNG he was pICKING me UP in TEN min but I HAD to CANCEL I needed my BEAUTY sleep god DAMMIT!!

satURDAy...WOke up WENT to GO have BREAKFAST with MY grandparents AND then GO to THE MALL wiTH them so THEY can GET me THE RADIO that I WANT for CHRISTMAS ITs hot I <3 IT I neede a nEW one SINCE tati BROKE miNE AND IT DOesnt LOOK like SHE WILL be replaciNG IT ANYtime sooN THAT hoEsKI is TRULY MIA..."loVE Is SOo MAGIcal i GUESS it CAN Even make YOU dissapEAR" WEnt TO deNNy's WITH the OLD ones and THEN came HOme to RELAX..NIght TIME arriVED and so DId MIke we WENT to TONY roMAS to HAVE dinner CONversatioN WAS a liTTLE TO much for ME to HANDLE I almost CRIED Lets JUST say thiNGS from THE Past NEED TO remain IN the past....went TO ralpy's party GOT to SEE most OF the girls =) and THEN we LEFT to tHE BEACH to PICK up ONE of miKES frIENDS who WAS stranded there LOng STOry BUt defiNATELY a FUNNY one...

SUnday...  wenT TO inTERNATIOnal WITH tere and HER MOM WE loVE to SHOP LOL...BOUght SOME MOre stuFF AND had Ice crEAM @ BACio..MIke piCKEd ME up AFTER WOrk and WE went to GO have dinner AT maccarroni grILL..doNE deAL.COm

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