OK so MIke and I WENt hallOWEEN coSTUme SHOpping TODAY and WE looKED at two PLACES~~~~>MIaMI twiCE AND casa LOS trUCOS AND there WERE aloT of THIngs TOo chOOSE froM AND we bOTH liKED the FRED and WILMA idea SO its DONe...IM glad I goT THat OUt oF the WAY early THIs year...I usuallY WAIT until THE very LasT MOment TO buy SOMEThing OR put SOMETHing TOGETher and THOse PLACES get SOOo PACKED i HATE it...so GET to IT peoplE....oh ANIE and AL i LOOKed FOR you GUYs AND they HAVE alot OF gypSY stuFF IN casa LOS trucos...
A hurriCANE is COMing NAMED~~~~>Wilma lol AND well THE bitCH Is DEFInately GOIng to RUIN my WEEKEND so IM goiNG to GO to OXYgen TOnITE and TAKE advantAGE of ANY partying I CAN do BEFORE thE SLut INVAdes THE MIA....