my FACE is ON fire FOR real

Jun 02, 2005 16:41

fUN TImes THIs weekEND....I ate sOO many BUrgers I dont know HOw i DIDNT throw UP...THERE Was DEfinately nEVER aNY alCoHOL shoRTAGES..plenty TO go arOUnd...where the heLL diD ALL the DAMN lighters gO?SANDBAr was CRAZY!!!!! hoW can I forGET loosing MY sunglasses aaaaaaah!MOnica benitez haha but i still love you and your getting me GUcci ONES for MY bday...RIck u GAVE us A scare BUT hey ITS the KEYS whaT DO you EXPECT?Got A couPLE cutS ANd scRAPES from THE sand BUT its ALL gooD..met QUATRon hill PLAYS UM foOtball (super HOt)cooKED breaKFAST foR ALL the GOONS on MONDAY with NEGRA...IT WAS INSANEcrazyANNOYINGfunUNFORGETTABLEablast LIving WIth ALL of YOU FOR a MATTER whAT went dOWN i love you ALL ITS life it wouldn't be called life otherwise...477143

GREy gOoOoOose IF you DONT get LOoOse........<3

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