After many of the protest organizers at the RNC got slapped with "Terrorism" charges this summer, simply for encouraging others to exercise our supposed "FREE RIGHTS" I've started to wonder where those rights really have gone. As many of you know the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. parts 1,2 and 3, as well as other laws, many of which were due to the supposed "terrorist" attack of September 11th, who we were told was purpotrated by Osama Bin Laden and Al'Qaeda (which literally translated means 'the list' and in fact IS the CIA's list of THEIR OWN operatives within the middle-eastern region) are being increased upon further and further. By the way, if you still think that 9/11 was committed by a vastly underfunded network whos supposed intelligence leads them from caves, check out the Documentary "Loose Change" or "Zeitgeist" or "Wake up call - New World Order" or "Endgame - Blueprint for Global Enslavement".
Or look no further than right here:'re at it again, extending even further. Camps are being set up around the United states, temporary prisons or holding blocks for unruly citizens, dissenters, protesters..
I beseech you to look around what is happening in our country. Open your eyes and take a good glimpse;
What are we going to do to not let this happen? What are we going to do to stop them?