Wikipedia defines chick flick as “slang for a
film designed to appeal to a female
target audience. Although many types of films may be directed toward the female gender, "chick flick" is typically used only in reference to films that are heavy with emotion or contain themes that are relationship-based (though not necessarily romantic)". Well, let's examine if A-Team is more macho then cute...
When the movie starts you understand nothing, but the importance of a sun block. However, don't worry about wrinkling your forehead and straining the brain muscle, the plot will soon turn into a simple to follow story, no intellect abuse intended, I'd even add predictable, particularly if you are into betting - when you see who plays the role of a person of a high rank who later turns on The Team, you can't lose your bet, the actor has been type cast in such roles one too many times.
So, is it a guys movie? The cast of the hot four targets every taste category in the female audience. The hot four, no not Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda or Samantha, same time, different, I mean feature film: a different foursome of Hannibal, Face, Baracus and Murdock, flirt with you from the screen. Hannibal, played by Liam Neeson means business, no matter what he does or says. I suppose Mr. Neeson is one of those men of a rare breed when you can take a man out of nobility, but you can't take nobility out of a man. Baracus is a teddy bear you don't want to mess with. Murdock is a goof ball that every mother would hate and Face (Bradley Cooper) is a mischievous sleaze ball that every mother would love and so would her daughter.Thank G-d for the humor as the only way to take those guys seriously.
Jessica Biel, plays a DOD representative with a non sexy last name Sosa. I'm unaware of how much research Ms. Biel did for the movie, but as a true DOD representative you'd see her with the perfect red carpet styled hair at all times, although when it's gathered in pony tail it looks like she only has like 15 or 20 ( hairs). Naturally, she's running in designer stilettos and a trench coat around European airport, obviously, you didn't expect her to run around in Reeboks and Levi's, did you? When she talks to a CIA representative on the phone she sounds and looks in close up most professional as an opponent of 1-800-SEXMEUP hotline conversations worthy of $19.99 per minute. Well, I watch a lot of late night TV, so, yeah...that is exactly how I know about it.
Tricks shown in the movie are fun and timed to a dot, but don't attempt, no, absolutely don't think to attempt at home, although if you see how you can pull it off with so much gun fire, glass breaking and port explosions without any police, helicopters or any kind of security visible, then...well, might be fun to entertain or ask questions and demand answers as a law abiding citizen.
So, since whatever you experience watching the movie would be defined as an emotion, either fun, scorn or disbelief, then the movie is rather heavy with it...the emotion. Relationship based? Well, it is, of course, based on honor defending fun violent shtick connection among four fierce pals. O-oh (sigh )....Don't worry if you missed the movie this season, the ending is obviously left for the sequel. So, thumbs up? Na-ah...more like one, but cute, manicured with the cherry compote nail polish.