didn't I my dear

Mar 21, 2016 19:42

Recently, a friend with a job interview asked me if I had spent much time in Columbus. The first thing that came to mind was summer camp trips to the science museum, and then a family trip when my brother was looking at colleges in like 1991. Thinking last century seemed like a long time ago, I racked my brain for other times in Columbus, and remembered when we went to visit Kitty's house in college.

We had fun at their party - there was drinking and games and a lot of laughter. My actions later on were wanting, though...it's only in retrospect that I realize how horribly I acted. It has been like 13 years, so I'm sure it's not on anyone's minds too terribly often, but even so I'm sorry for those who were hurt, inconvenienced, or otherwise negatively affected by my actions. Reading my LJ archives in retrospect sheds an interesting light on who I was, who I have become since then, and who I am.
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