Sep 13, 2004 17:03
Im soo bored! its like crazy. brett is wierd and isnt answering my IM cause his computer spazzes like that, hayley and nina were gonna stop by but i dunno wut the hell happened and i am trying to figure out shannon's problems and allie's problems. and i feel really bad for julia because she says she doesnt liek her school that much. *sigh* wutever. and whoever said u get alot of hw in honors classes was really stupid.. cause i havent gotten like anything except for today but it still took me like only 2 hours. and a half hour of that i was talking to shannon so wutever. but cait.. ur party was awesome!!!! hehe!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUN!!!! and oh yeah whoever said all that stuff about me (u know who u r) u were being really hyprocritical cause nonstop u have been talking about ur issues and its annoying the crap out of me. ill talk about wut i wanna talk about and if i get carried away ill catch myself. ok? let me live me own freggin life cause u do it to. (and for anyone who is really confused about that.. u can ask me. or just like be confused idc). i think i have witnessed more drama this year than any other year. its really pathetic.