Hallo peeps

Sep 20, 2010 18:38

Hey everyone. I've made a vow to post in this more often, so here's what has been going on with me. I've been feeling a bit down lately, sort of what I now can recognize as the fist signs of my sort of depression I get. I just get very withdrawn and lazy, but not on purpose, just can't get off the couch to do anything sort of way. And I want to go out with people but it's too big of a deal for me to do so. So I jumped on it and put myself back on the Effexor I used to take. I had my OB-GYN appointment today and I have a wonderful doc who nodded and said "I wish they'd just put these in the water supply for everyone to be able to take" when I asked her if she could refill my script. I went and worked out today so hopefully I can keep that going and start feeling better and have more energy. Also, I got back on my multivitamin that has plenty of B12 and other stuff to get me going.

So yeah, hopefully this all works. Right now I'm watching "Chloe". I figured Liam Neeson is hot. Julianne Mooe is hot. Amanda Seyfried is hot. I'm guaranteed to get one of them naked so I'm all good. Just now we had Julianne Moore and Amanda Seyfried having sex so that is better than good. Mmmmph.

Anyway, hallo flist. How's you guys?

Oh also... I've been on a huge Remus/Sirius fic binge and read this yesterday for the first time. Promised Eternity , in which after Sirius falls through the Veil, he goes back to the day he decided to switch being a secret keeper to Peter. It's a lovely story with a good deal of angst but generally a happy smutty fic that I loved.

Anyone else got really good Remus/Sirius fics? I've been out of HP fandom for so long, I'm sure I missed some good ones!

in real life, fic rec

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