PSA from a healthcare provider

Sep 09, 2010 20:05

To everyone going to a doctor's office: Please don't be crazy. I know most of my friends list is sane so I don't even have to post this, but just in case someone forgets, please please don't be crazy. I KNOW it sucks to have to wait at a doctor's office. Believe me. I once spent 16 hours at MD Anderson waiting for various appointments and scans and stuff and I was throwing up and nauseous and shivering so it DOUBLY sucked, so I know. It isn't fun. But you know what? It's not fun for the office staff and the healthcare workers that are stuck there seeing patients and running an hour behind. Believe me, I do not get off on going to lunch at 12:50 only to start afternoon clinic at 1:00 and I reeeally don't like getting done with afternoon clinic at 6:00 when the last patient is scheduled at 4:30. I really don't. I know it must seem like I do since we run behind so often, but really I don't. Nor am I sitting back with my feet up, reading a newspaper, drinking some tea while you are stuck waiting for an hour. I am lucky if I can go pee during clinic, much less eat anything, sit down and rest, or not feel like I'm running around with my head cut off. So believe me, I'd LOVE to see you at your scheduled time. And I do see you at your scheduled time if you come to an early morning appointment or an appointment right after lunch. But when I have patients (YOU, YES YOU) who waste my time talking about a yeast infection with green discharge (HAI I AM ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON. I AM NOT, NOR WILL I EVER BE OB-GYN AND OMG TMI DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT GREEN DISCHARGE EVER) and taking up 15-20 minutes, just remember, I am spending those same 15-20 minutes with EACH PATIENT and have a little respect for me and the staff at our office. We are all doing the best we can. Getting an attitude and flipping out and going crazy and yelling does no one ANY good. While you are busy throwing your fit, we could have been discussing MRI results or treatment plans and I could have moved on to the next patient that is now having to wait EVEN LONGER because of your tirade.

P.S. I am not your therapist. I can not help you just by talking to you. If you are lonely, get out and make friends who will talk to you. If you are bipolar, please seek professional help in the form of a psychiatrist who can prescribe the right medicine and then please for the love of God, TAKE THAT MEDICINE ON A REGULAR BASIS. If you are severely obese, do not insinuate that it's my fault for not being able to help your back, hip, and knee pain. I did not make you 200 pounds overweight, I promise, and no amount of medicine, shots, or orthopedic surgery is going to make you feel better. You need to LOSE WEIGHT or have gastic bypass surgery. Those are the only two cures, I promise.

This post brought to you by the realization of why so many doctors become alcoholics. I feel like I need scotch in a flask to get through all the crazy ass people that we see on a regular basis. God damn.

public service announcement, dem bones, trust me; i'm a doctor, real life drama: let me show you it

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