Do. Not. Want.

Sep 08, 2008 13:01

Okay so on Saturday, I could have sworn I saw something from the corner of my eye dart from the dining room into the kitchen. I called Jason and we investigated but couldn't really see anything so I thought I must have just been going crazy.


Today I bring Giggsy in from her walk and sit down on the futon, reaching for my computer, when she alerts on something in the corner of the room behind the recliner. I sort of look up at her not understanding and then she runs to the other side of the recliner all focused in on something, so I peer back behind the lamp and SOMETHING BROWN AND FURRY RUNS OUT AT ME. Now, I don't mind mice or similar creatures the way that I hate spiders or other creepy crawlies. I do; however, mind when they startle me and are in my apartment when I have not given them permission to be. So I pick up Giggsy's leash and we flee to the front office and tell them about the situation. We come back to the apartment and the maintenance guys meet us here and we start searching the apartment for the furry thing wot must be gone immediately.

It's a bloody hamster. A BLOODY HAMSTER. How the fuck do I have the luck to have random hamsters inhabiting my apartment?!?! I guess it must have escaped a neighbour's apartment and ran inside when the door was open sometime. *shudders* I'm just so glad that thing did not run across my foot or something in the middle of the night. I would have had a heart attack!

So the guys caught the hamster in a little box and took him outside. I have no clue where they are going with him but as long as it is not in my apartment anymore, we are good. I didn't want to have to trap it somehow. :(

Giggsy got a treat for discovering it. I told her she could have had two treats had she killed it but she just sort of looked at me and ate her one treat. I don't think she's bothered, to be honest.

Argh. *shudders*

OH, also. This is awesome:

I think we're going to be evacuating on Wednesday if it continues on this path. I am supposed to have chemo on Friday, but I'm thinking that's going to be pushed back. *blows Ike away from here*

living near the gulf coast, adventures in dog-land, things like this only happen to me

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