Waters of Mars

Nov 15, 2009 18:47

Wow. Just...... WOW. Hands down one of, if not the, best episodes of Doctor Who I've ever seen. The "monsters" were utterly terrifying and the acting slayed me. The part where the Doctor is walking out to the TARDIS and hearing everything going on, wow.

I was shuddering when he went through his whole God thing. No one, not even a Time Lord, needs that much power and he was always good about not giving into it, and suddenly in this episode he just snapped. I guess now we see why it's the beginning of the end for Ten.

Speaking of which, omg I cried when he was on his knees and saw the Ood. I am going to be so freaking depressed on Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Damn you, world. Damn you.

OH ALSO, OMG DONNA AND WILF!!!!! I gave remained unspoiled so omg yay for Donna! Though I hope it is all okay what with the mind melting if she remembers the Doctor but omg Donna! And Wilf!!!

Wow. I want to go ahead and watch it again but I need to clean. Decisions, decisions.

doctor who

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