The neighbours complain about the noises above. But she only comes when she's on top.

Aug 10, 2009 22:10

Got my treadmill this week. I was really lucky, I started looking on Thursday (I had been looking for an elliptical machine before but then decided to just get a treadmill to walk and run on and use the elliptical at the gym the apartment complex has) and found one I liked. Emailed, received a response back Friday morning, looked at it Friday afternoon, and they delivered it to me Friday night. It's a Nordictrack, a really nice one that prices around $1700. The girl said she bought it a couple of years ago when she got pregnant, used it for about 6 months and then has never used it since. I got it for $500 plus they delivered it to me for no charge so I'm very excited about that. I wanted a good one that could withstand running (with my weight) and hopefully won't break down in a year. Giggsy has been so-so about it. I stole an idea from papilio_luna and give her treats as she starts to get scared from the noise. Today's the first day I've really been on it and I feel so good!!

Ignore the ghetto-fabulous computer stand I have set up so I can watch movies whilst running. I need to go find something else this weekend to stand it on.

LOL I love the water, dog treats, computer and headphones. Pretty much all my necessities haha.

Also, have some pics of Giggsy being retarded this past week. I said two squirrels must have fucked on our patio because she was flipping out this past week everytime she would go outside.

I swear, I have no idea what it was, but she would be like that until I had to actually drag her away. Thank goodness the smell seems to have decreased because she doesn't flip out nearly as bad.

Went to the dentist today. I have 3 cavities! I've never ever EVER had a cavity before so I was gutted when he told me. He says it happens all the time to people who have had chemotherapy and radiation. Somehow it messes up your teeth royally, which I had heard but was hoping wasn't the case. So I have to get 3 fillings done over the next few months. *whines*

Have hair appt tomorrow (it's growing back but is in that in between stage and I haaaate it), and then taking Giggsy to the vet for her shots and such. Thursday I have my 6 month (even though it's really 8 month now oops?) CT scan. Heading to Jacksonville Thursday night to hang with the fam and then 2 weeks from now I have my follow up appointment with the oncologist. Here's hoping for good luck!

Wow this entry got long. How is my wondermous flist doing?

oh my treadmill, burnination of the cancers, adventures in dog-land

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