Ngghh Brian Kinney do me now.

Jul 01, 2009 22:02

There must have been a stray cat that had kittens because there are cats every bloody where. Giggsy is having a fit everytime we go out for a walk. She keeps running after the kittens and then momma cat runs in and I keep telling Giggsy that she's going to get her ass kicked by that momma cat and she doesn't seem to believe me. It's going to happen sooner rather than later.

Watching Queer as Folk on Logo. It's edited but it's also early season 4 when Brian Kinney was at his hottest. Which is.. pretty damn hot. (Along with Justin's gorgeous hair.)

Also, haven't done a meme in awhile. SAw this making the rounds on the flist this past week.

1. Give me three 3 names from one of my fandoms.
2. I will then comment to this post about the people you have chosen for me.
2a. I may provide pictures. (oh you know I will)
3. I have to sort them : Shag; Marry; Push off a cliff

Have at it.

queer as folk, in real life, meme, adventures in dog-land

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