Anti-wrinkle cream there may be, but anti-fat bastard cream there is not.

Sep 06, 2008 00:24

I watched Full Monty earlier. I forget how much I love that movie. The scene where they are in line at the... unemplyment office I guess? And "Hot Stuff" comes on and they start doing their little dance in line. Oh I die.

LOL Titanic is on now. I remember going to watch this for the first time at midnight the night it opened. And Evan crying her eyes out for the last two hours, I swear. I just love the:

Rose: I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go.
*boat wanders by looking for survivors*
Rose: Dude, Get the fuck off. *pushes him off the wood* Over here! I'm over here!

LULZ oh and the guy that hits the wheel thing when he falls over the edge when it's straight up. Lord, I love this.

Giggsy. *shakes head* She doesn't play with anything! I took her to the dog park again and she won't chase a ball or get in the water. She finally started running after some of the other dogs but then when they got a bit too aggressive she came back to me. I know she's probably never been able to play with things but it still breaks my heart. I got her a little aqua coloured soft and furry squeaky mouse at Wal Mart. She's not all that sure wtf it is. I keep picking up and putting it near her, nuzzling it under her head as she's sleeping and she just keeps eyeing it warely. LOL maybe one day..

Hai so welcome to my Friday night. Wotcher flist?

tv watching, adventures in dog-land

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