My dreams...

May 05, 2009 10:12

So my dreams last night were *awesome*.

First: I was watching the United / Arsenal game and I don't remember the scoreline or anything like that but I do remember this like crowd surge happening where all of a sudden there was this marching band on the pitch (ala this video from the Cal vs Stanford football game back in 1982) and play was still continuing and the ref was trying to stop the game and Arsenal scored and won the game but somehow the goal counted anyway even though play was supposed to be stopped and at the press conference afterwards Wenger was all "I was not in a position to see anything" and I was about to come through the tv.

and the second: There was some witch controlling the writers of Snape/Harry fiction and that was the reason we've got such shitty fics in that fandom in the past few years. She was all cackling "heeheeheee Snape looooooooves Harry" and then some girl would write a story about Snape being all OOC and lovesick over Harry and then she would cackle "heeheehee they are going to have babies!" and some girl would write an mpreg story. I spent the whole time trying to kill her so as to rid the world of the evil bad!Snarry!fic and I could never accomplish it.

So yeah. Holy cracked out dreams Batman.

in real life, my dreams

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