Mmmmph Ruud

Apr 29, 2009 20:45

How much do I love the fact that the one US death from swine flu was at a Houston hospital? That's fantastic on so many levels, since I visit a couple of hospitals a day for rounds, consults, and surgery. I also love the people who think it's one big joke. I agree that we all shouldn't start quaranting ourselves in our homes just yet, but I don't think anyone will be laughing and cracking jokes if it adversely affects one of them. It's treatable right now, but the flu virus is notorious for changing and mutating and who knows what it'll end up like.

IN other news, YAY UNITED! Though from what I've heard of, we could have scored a few more but that's okay. At least we didn't give up a goal at home! I'm taking off work next Tuesday since my Doc will be out of town, so I can have a day off and watch the game at the pub.

In other other news, Backdraft is on. I used to love this movie so much when I was a kid and now I can't understand why. The acting (William Baldwin I'm looking at you) is just horrendous and some of the lines had me cringing.

That's it. We had a four hour hip revision yesterday along with our normal caseload, so I'm bloody exhausted. Heading to bed.

ETA: I can't decide if I really want to watch Fox's "Glee" because I want to, or because they play Don't Stop Believing in their commercials.

glory glory man united, in real life, tv watching, trust me; i'm a doctor

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