(no subject)

Sep 01, 2008 19:18

Wow, so the last day of the transfer window was pretty intense. Things that I LOL'ed about:

  1. SAF/United meeting Berbatov at the airport when he was supposed to be going to City and kidnapping him taking him to Carrington all day long.

  2. City outbidding Chelski for Robinho. Suck on that Roman.

  3. Robinho wanting to go to Shitty in the first place. "Hey, let's go from Real freaking Madrid to Manchester City. They play European football. You know. In the UEFA Cup. Because they were a Nice Team last year." Oh God, I LOL.

  4. EVERTON TAKING SAHA OFF OUR HANDS FOR A 2 YEAR CONTRACT. 2 YEARS?!?!?! AAAAAAHAHHAHAHA. I'm pretty sure we paid them to take him from us. Fuck off, you cunt.

I took Giggsy to the dog park today. She loved it! She was a bit unsure of the big water pond with all the dogs jumping in and splashing everywhere at first. So we walked down to the other end where the calmer dogs (re: Not the ADD dogs that jumped in and out of the water for hours on end) were at. I took her leash off and we ran all over the place and she got petted by various strangers. So, all in all, she loved it. But now she is absolutely knackered. As soon as I got her back here and fed her, she collapsed on her bed and has been asleep the whole time. When we walk by, she opens her eyes and looks at us but doesn't even move her head. Poor thing lmao.

I have my radiation 'simulation' appointment tomorrow. Basically, they want to see if they can position me enough to where they can radiate the spot where the lesion originally was without affecting my breast tissue because that can cause a higher incidence of breast cancer. Basically because I have no boobs, mine aren't easily moved about when I lie back and so they aren't sure if they'll be able to do the complete radiation without causing me more harm. If they can get the spot with the amount of radiation they need, they'll be more likely to let me finish chemotherapy at 4 months instead of continuing on for another 2 months. So, we're hoping.

I have a second interview at a psychiatrist's office on Wednesday. I think I'm leaning more towards an office job until I got done with all this cancer stuff. I can be a surgeon in a year or two once I'm back at 100%. *nods* I just want some sort of job because it's been almost 4 months since I graduated. Meaning student loans start being paid off in 2 months time. Do not want.

The love I'm feeling towards David Tennant lately is killing me. He's surpassed others. Ellen and I were talking earlier about it:
    unitedforever: It's even surpassing your love for John?!
    lie_with_me_02: Yes!
    unitedforever: Even Toni?!?
    lie_with_me_02: Now that's just talking crazy!
But seriously. It's his accent, it makes me just want to curl around him. And his hair. Really great hair. And the big brown eyes. *fidgets* And the fact that he seems to live up to the Teninch nickname. I watched Blackpool and it's just so hot with the original accent and I waaaaant. *fidgets more*

I freaking love Deal or No Deal. This girl is waaaay too bubbly for me though, but yay for wanting to live in Texas! I hope she wins, though my mom and I keep going "DON'T JUMP" in synchro because she's majorly pregnant and I don't want to see her go into early labour.

Mmmkay. I rambled alot. *sheepish*

glory glory man united, teninch; david teninch, football: the beautiful game, burnination of the cancers, adventures in dog-land, trust me; i'm a doctor

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