woe is me without internets

Feb 07, 2009 10:56

Hai flist. Still here, still internet-less. I can pick up a wireless signal from out by the pool, so I try to go out and do that as much as I can but it's been bloody cold at nighttime. Have I missed anything wondermous? Ruud dedicating his love to Cristiano, news that Rose will be coming back on Doctor Who forever and that Tennant is in fact not leaving, you know... stuff like that? How bout any news about any of you? I miss everyone alot.

How bout fics? I caught up on earlgreytea's Chaos series and jlrpuck didn't update this Thursday *cries* just kidding! I forgot she updates on her fic journal and not her regular journal and nghhhhh. But anymore fic that's been updated? Any good ones that has been posted? Help a girl out, flist.

I'm off to look up directions to the nearest dog park and to take Giggsy there. She's been a good girl this week, in a new place with alot more squirrels to chase (oh and she came about thisclose to eating a cat on Thursday *shudders*) so I'm going to take her and let her run a bit.

Miss you all. ♥

ETA: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Chelsea. Lookit Aston Villa all up in third place. ♥ them.

in real life, adventures in dog-land

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