I'm forever blowing bubbles, pretty bubbles in the air.

Jan 27, 2009 20:30

God damn, I had almost forgotten how much of the hot hot sex Green Street Hooligans had in it. Elijah Wood - check. Charlie Hunnam - check check. Football - checkcheckcheck. Fucking hot ass Cockney accents - nghhhhhhhgod yes check. Check. Most definitely check. *squirms a little*

In other news, you gotta love Texas weather. We knew the cold front was coming in and were at the dog park and it was a bit windy but it was warm wind. All of a sudden, a gust blew in that was like 20 degrees colder than the last, I'm not even kidding. It got colder and colder and within 5 minutes we had to leave the dog park. It was in the 70s today and they say it's going tobe in the 30s tomorrow. No wonder everyone I know is sick!

Jesus hell, I want to do Charlie Hunnam something fierce. HIs fucking accent in this movie, y'all. It's all JT and nghhhh god please. ALSO, I WANT TO GO TO LONDON. In case, you know, y'all didn't know that or something.

in real life, movies

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