*flops on everyone*

Jan 13, 2009 19:03

Ugh, I'm so tired. We had a four hour surgery today: a knee revision and arthroplasty (basically taking one artificial knee out and putting a new one in. It was bloody exhausting!!...

AHHAHAHAHAHA @ the house full of little girls crying for Archuleta losing last year. (Sry, American Idol just came on.)

...Every muscle in my body is tired. My back and shoulders especially, holding retractors and positioning the knee and drilling and hammering for 4 hours just fucking killed me.

We also did a below knee amputation today. I've seen finger amputations but never anything as big as a whole lower leg lmao. It was... quite odd to be sat there holding on to the guy's ankle as it comes apart and then being all "...k. So.. what do I do with the leg?" as I realized it was no longer attached to the body. I've always mocked horror movies for the ease of which they cut someone's leg/arm/etc off, but damn it was actually that easy. It took about... 30 minutes for the whole thing from start to finish. Quite odd that in 30 minutes you can go from having two legs to just one and a half.

In other news, AKJHAKJSH American Idol starts toniiiiiiiight. Oh snap, they are doing auditions in New Jersey? Daaaaamn there's going to be some fabulous ghettoness all up in there. I am kind of sad because I don't have anyone to watch and squeal with this year (*sniffs*), but that's been happening alot since that day last March and I've mostly moved on. Just when new things like this happen and I remember and get a little sad.

Anyway. Moving on. Simon, you are fucking hottttttt. K, that's over with. BRING ON THE AUDITIONS.

dem bones, in real life, tv watching, american idol, trust me; i'm a doctor

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