I didn't need to change. I didn't want to. Why would I?

Jan 07, 2009 20:40

I stupidely decided to watch Stolen Earth/Journey's End tonight, just because I have only ever seen them the one time and the intense sobbing sort of made me forget what all happened with Davros and the rest on the Crucible.

I always do this. I watch/read* something I know is going to be sad with the intent of stopping it before it gets to the sad part and then once the time comes, I always continue watching it and end up crying my eyes out and cursing myself and saying next time I will definitely stop reading/watching. I will report back later if I am successful this time. I will either be crying a little bit after the Earth is towed back home, or sobbing uncontrollably and rocking back and forth in the fetal position muttering something about Ten II.

We shall see. *clings to everyone*

*The reading part always comes into play with Cybele's "If You Are Prepared" fic. Snarry fans on the flist, you know what I'm talking about.

doctor who

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