"She turned me into a newt!" ".... A newt?!?" ".. I got better."

Dec 21, 2008 20:39

Post of importance (Or more appropriately entitled A Real Post):

What I have done this weekend:
  • Woke up at 12:30 PM to Giggsy hopping up on my bed going "Muuuuuuum, you've been asleep forever. I gotta peeeeee!"
  • Puttered around the house.
  • Went grocery shopping.
  • Took Giggsy to the dog park for a few hours.
  • Went to a board game party with Evan, her husband, and some others. PWNED everyone at Catchphrase, like normal.
  • Did laundry and dishes.

  • Woke up at 10 AM to Giggsy staring at me, likely saying the same thing she was on Saturday morning.
  • Watched the Manchester United game. Celebrated around the house when we won.
  • Downloaded some pictures. They are up at football_lust (which I haven't mentioned here, but I opened up a newer version to post pictures at. Head over there if you are interested.)
  • Decided to watch Fellowship of the Ring and reminisced about old LOTR fandom days. I met so many of my wonderful friends because of that fandom, I miss it. The football fandom is very cliquey with all the likes and dislikes of certain players and teams. The LOTR fandom was wonderful and squishy (except for the few batshit people.)
  • Typed up a new list for work of all the medications Dr. Mathis likes to prescribe. The other one was from his MA and had handwritten notes all over it and I did not like.
  • Made some delightful pasta with pesto and mashed potatoes with some vanilla pudding for dessert.
  • Decided to end the night by watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail. LMAO over my favourite part (the witch scene):

    "And what do you burn apart from witches?"

    "How do we tell if she is made of wood?"
    "Build a bridge out of her!"

    "What also floats in water?"
    "Bread!" "Apples!" "Very small rocks!"

    So there we go. Very... exciting weekend for Johnna. Am essited about this week. Tomorrow all day in clinic, Tuesday all day in the OR, then a half of a day in clinic Wednesday and all day Thurs and Fri off!
  • in real life, tv watching, musings of me

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