I haven't had an entry in over a week, huh.

Nov 20, 2008 20:16

So I finally got my full on license today wahoooo. I've got my controlled substances number and am now applying for my DEA license. Work's going fantastically, I love all my docs so much and Dr. Mathis (who is my supervising doc and the one I'm with the most) said Dr. Hammit told him I was doing really well and was a really hard worker and stuff. :D I just love it so much, I love going to work. And I get paid tomorrow wahoo. This whole really nice paycheck every 2 weeks thing is fantastic.

I am filling out the form to register my permanent PA license and got to this last question:

Since your submission of your license application, have you been diagnosed, treated, or admitted to a hospital for a sexual disorder, including, but not limited to pedophilia, exhibitionism, voyeurism, frotteurism, or sexual sadism?

That's freaking amazing. If I am a sadist, I can't practice medicine??? Why else would I become an orthopedic surgeon, lmfao. No, I can see the logic in the thinking but it still is cracking me up.

Grey's gets more and more retarded every episode. DENNY IS DEAD PEOPLE. GTFOVER IT. You've beat that storyline with a metal pole over and over again. Let it go. And the interns are fucking retarded and it's so blatantly fake and RETARDED.

dem bones, tv watching, trust me; i'm a doctor

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