A plea of sorts

Oct 09, 2008 23:06

I know it's sort of last minute notice, but I just found out about this event tonight and am signing up sort of late.

I am participating in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Light the Night Walk on Sunday, October 26, 2008. This society is a really great help to many lymphoma and leukemia patients, and they have personally helped me out during my treatments by helping pay for medicines, reimburse parking and mileage costs, etc.

I have a donation page set up here if anyone has anything spare to donate. I know times are tough (believe me, I know this) but even a couple of dollars helps. I don't think I'll get much as I'm doing this so late, but I think any little bit helps. And I'm excited that I feel like getting out and doing this and I plan on making this an annual event so I'll be much more prepared for next year. *nods*

And a big thanks to everyone on my flist for all their love and support during these past five months. You all mean the world to me.

burnination of the cancers

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