Controvery meme

Sep 29, 2008 12:20

The "controvery meme" as stolen from xesatheis. I love stuff like this! Intellectual debate, ahoy!

1. Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?

2. Would you do meth if it was legal?
Heeeeeell no. I know what these drugs do to your body and no thank you.

3. Abortion: for or against it?
I'm not really for or against abortions. I think this question is worded badly. Is there anyone out there who is all WHOOO HOO ABORTIONS!!!11!1!! Nope. What am I for is a woman's right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. There are many reasons why people choose to have abortions; from financial reasons, to teens not being able to handle having a child, to getting an abortion because of a pregnancy that stems from abuse or rape. I think these are all valid reasons to have an abortion if the mother thinks they are valid. This is her body and her life that will be changing, so who am I to tell her that she can or can't have one? And if we completely ban abortions, then we end up with a situation like in the 60s and 70s, where fake doctors were doing fake abortions in alleyways with dirty coathangers. That's not something I want to have happen again kthnkx.

4. Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
LOL totes. Because the world is such a great place right now with Dubya leading us. I'm really not even going to write a long answer to this because I think the question is bullshit anyway. One's sex does not make you a leader. One's race does not make you a leader. Both have nothing to do with your qualities as a leader. The end.

5. Do you believe in the death penalty?
Oooh this is difficult. I'm not sure if it's from growing up in Texas or what. I like to think I don't believe in the death penalty... but then. I'll be watching the news and there was a case I remember in my area when I was growing up. These two girls that were my age (13-14) were walking home from school and four men jumped them, took them to the woods, repeatedly raped and tortured them, and then killed them. All four men were jailed and all four were given the death penalty. The first one was just recently actually put to death. Do I think those four men totally should be put to death? Yes, I very much do. It sort of goes against everything I believe in to believe in the death penalty, but I just get so damn angry in situations like that that I do believe in it. That could have been me. Or my sister. Or any of my friends. And things like that happen all the time.

*sigh* I don't know. Do I believe the death penalty acts as a deterrent to criminals? Nope. Because you look at our criminal society and you realize that with the amount of rapes and murders and crimes in general, people don't care about possibly getting the death penalty. So. Yeah. I dunno about that.

6. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Very much so, yes. Our jails are already over capacity everywhere and we are still arresting people for carrying around a joint? Come on. The police need to be focused on more important crimes. If cigarettes with the awful substances they have in them are legal, then why not marijuana? Just put an age limit on it, slap it with a sticker saying you will get lung cancer and die from using this product so people can ignore the warning and do it anyway, and we are all good. Focus on cocaine or meth or heroine, not marijuana.

7. Are you for or against premarital sex?
LOL well since I am unmarried and have had sex numerous times, I'm going to say for it. I dunno, I've never been religious or anything, so there was never any need for me to save it for marriage. (Besides the fact that I'm probably never going to get married anyway and that would mean I'd stay a virgin forever, and that is not on.)

8. Do you believe in God?
Nope. I think people for years and years and years have used the word "God" to define things that they couldn't explain. Which is a cop out. I know there are things in the universe which I will never see or understand. Do I think there is a being up there who created the world and who forgives you for your sins just so you can go sin again and again? Nope. It is a person's way of making them feel better about themselves to think that Someone absolves them of any sin that they might commit.

9. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Yes. Like I said to number 4, one's race nor sex should decide whether a person is happy or In Luv enough to get married. If people can get married from meeting on a damned television show, then two men or two women should be able to get married too. I'm so sick of society trying to push their beliefs on people, I just want to scream.

10. Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
In a way, yes. Our country is made up of immigrants, and I love that. I love how almost everyone in the US is just a mix of different cultures and beliefs and it's what makes our country so wonderful in my opinion. However, the US is growing too rapidly for her own good. Because of what made us into a country, "give me your tired, poor, your huddled masses" we are rapidly depleting our resources. Which is why there is an actual "immigration procedure" you have to go through to immigrate to our country. The people who are swimming across the border into the south are not doing it the same way people who are trying to move here from other countries are. I don't think that just because they are coming here from Mexico, that they should get a free pass and not have to follow procedure like everyone else. I know just how awful of a place like Mexico is, how corrupt and awful their politicians are, but I'm sorry. We can't change governments (well we can but that's only if they have some fake weapons of destruction to go after.) And not to mention that so many of these poor Mexican immigrants are treated horribly to arrive in the US. Smugglers are making a mint of money shoving 150 people in the back of a truck with no air, no food, no water, etc, and alot of immigrants die from situations like this every year. It's sad.

11. A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
It depends on her and her family. I'm not in the business of telling individual people what to do. If I were that twelve year old girl? No, I wouldn't keep it. At twelve, I wouldn't have had the slightest idea of what to do with a child. But again, I don't presume to tell other people what they should and shouldn't do.

12. Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
I dunno. I'm pretty sure about 99% of kids in America drink before they are 21. Hell, I drank more in high school and in the first couple of years in college than I ever did after I turned 21. I don't think there is a set age for being able to be responsible about alcohol. It's not like the night you turn 21 you are suddenly OMG SO MATURE. Now that I'm older, I do think it's probably wider to have the age be 21, just to sort of try and get those high school years/first years of college over before you can legally drink. But idk.

13. Should the war in Iraq be called off?
Yes. It should have never been called on to begin with. But the problem now is that we can't just swan off "oh shit sorry bbs. We were wrong and should have never occupied your country to begin with. We'll... uh. Just.. be going now. Ta!" We have to stay and do an orderly withdrawl out and hope the country doesn't collapse upon itself when we are gone.

14. Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
This is really difficult for me. Speaking as a medical provider who has taken the Hippocratic Oath, I have to say I agree in it being illegal. Speaking as Johnna? I disagree. I look at it the same way I do my pets. You can legally put pets to sleep when they are in pain and not going to come out of their situation. Why shouldn't an adult be able to choose when to end his or her suffering? I know if/when I get to that point, I'll throw myself off a bridge or something.

15. Do you believe in spanking your children?
That depends. (First, I don't ever want to have children so this point is moot.) However, I grew up in a very firm household; when you misbehaved or acted out, you had to be accountable for your actions. My mom was never shy about laying a hand on my behind when I acted up. And I knew if I ever did something really horrible? The Belt Was Coming Out Of The Closet. That belt and I become good friends lol. But I think parents have to discipline their children somehow. My sister and I were very well behaved in public because all it took was a look from my Mom and we knew she'd haul us right out of wherever we were and tan our hides. I've gotten to where I hate going out to eat in public now because there are nasty children running around and yelling and hitting their parents. Ugh. It's shameful.

16. Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Hell yeah. Seeing as how I have like $25 in my checking account with another $20 in my savings? Bring me the million dollars!! I have medical bills and student loans to pay off!

17. Who do you think would make a better president: McCain or Obama?
LOL. Definitely Obama. I used to not mind McCain (and I still don't as much as other republican nominees *cough* Huckabee *cough*) but he's another 4 years of the same tiring policies we've had for the past 8 years. America needs a change. And that change is Barack.TM

18. Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
LOL well I could really care less. But no, I'm pretty sure my flist and I agree about a majority of these topics. And if someone doesn't agree, I'm sure we can debate about it in an intellectual manner and not resort to calling each other poopy-heads (I love that term, btw.)

In other news, I'm afraid Stompy McStompyson upstairs is going to come through my ceiling at anytime, I swear. I keep looking up and just hoping he doesn't fall on my laptop. Or Giggsy. *protectz them both*

musings of me, meme

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