Jul 10, 2005 08:18
Hello Fellow Readerssss,
well I havent UPDATEd in a WHiLEEEE !! BUT first of all. do you guys see my LayOut ? cause I dont ! Im soo f'n pist ! WDFFF ! grrrrrrr... please leave me comments if you do / dont see my layout >0 . anyhow ! letmee tell you what i`ve done .. if i remeber lol..
I woke up and did all morning procedures. lol then my cousin called. she told me she was craving to make a barbeque. lmao so she was gonna have one and invited me. when she told me [ not to be RUDE ] but damn i LAUGHED soo HARD. lmao because she cant even close an umbrella =x . yupp pretty sadd. lmao , anywho i always have to close it for her ! lmao because she afraid that her finger gets caught ! hahaha. whatevahh. my parents went to my aunties house and my bros werent here so i stayed home alone waiting for my cousin ! that whore bagg fell asleep. well thats what my auntie told me but then she called me and told me that she has been awake but that she was in her room and blahh. so then she decided to cancel her barbeque...and she was HUNGRY and me too so she wanted to go all the wayy to fcking southbeach to get PiZZA ! lmao but then she just decided to go to a pizza hut by my aunties house :D yummmmy. we met her friend Brandon over there. hes soooo nice and halarioussss ! :D so whatevahh. we ordered and uhh ; talked and laughed and blahh. then we waited for the SLOW ASS waitress lol. then we TALKED and decided to ride out. then Brandon had the BRiGHTEST idea to go watch a movieeeeee :D we ALL wanted to see - War Of The Worlds - fuckkk yuh ! :D couldnt wait ! lol it was soo e x c ii t ii n g :] we were gonna go with sand man also but her fucking mom started bitching but whatevahh. so we went but the earliest one was too FULL so we got the one at 11:00 ! lol. so we went downstairs and got piña colada .. that shiet was GOOOOOOOOOOD ! ;] hehe. then we went and saw the movie . it was awsomeeeeeeee ! i got home at 2:00 in the morning. yupp and that was my MARVALOUS DAYY ! :D
i woke up ; blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i was suppose to yadiis casa but i couldnt :[ . i might go sometime this week :D yey ! i wanna see my FUCKAHHHHHHHHHHHH ! :] . well zoe wanted to come over so she did. she came we talked ; called PiTUFO :] <3 ; talked online ; heared music ; vale came ; heared music//dance//sing ; take pictures....... then she had to go cuhs she lives ALL the way in Kendall so yuh.
later on Sand Man cameeeeeee !! :D she stayed for a while and then we went to her casa ;] . we got there.. got online and shit. lmao her brother andy made weed brOwniesss !! =P so funny. i stayed there until like 11:00 then sand mans dad dropped us off at my house and she stayed here until like 1:00 ! :D whatevahh , I watched my fav. SHOW iN THE WHOLE WiDE WORLD - FRESH PRiNCE OF BEL AiR - and went to sleep.
i woke up ; talked online with PiiNKY ; went to PUBLiX and bought things and i saw a magazine of my baby =0 holy shit ! i diedddddddd ! lmao and my parents bought it :D yey ! q hot ! haha ! lol then i came and i was suppose to go to the pool with my wifey but we didnt go. i went to the mall with my mommy. i asked her if i could pierce my ear at the top and she said maybe ; if i behave good cuhs i always talk back to her =x . gosh ! lol anyways .. we came back and she always hides her money in my drawer and she lost 10$ and she thinks i fucking stold it ! grrrrrrrr ! i wouldnt do that shiet to her. but i could careless if she thinks i did ! >0 whatevahh .. then i went to my wifeys house and chilled !
i woke up and whatevahh. i talked with zoe and vale [ my two wifeys ! ] lol and we decided to all go to the movies with david and PiTUFO =] <3 !!!!! ahh lol. and whatevahh we all got red-iee BUT zoe couldnt go cuhs she got punished cuhs she failed language arts ! :/ then my mom decided to go get mine and whatveahh i did iighty ! i didnt fail n e thing so whatvehh. uhm so me and my wifeyy got red-iee. anywho this was the plan : her dad leaves us and maybe picks us up or if not my mommadukes but then it started RAiNiNG SOOOOOOO HARD ! so her dad stayed in downtown cuhs of her grand ma ! and my mommadukes started dying her hair. so we decided to go next week. whatevahh , i stayed home . in the night i chilled with my brothers and then they went out and i stayed online. thats all ... nothing i n t e r e s t ii n g. and OFCOURSE i watched fresh prince and went to sleep :] [ zZzZzzzZzzzz.... ]
woke up ; ate breakfeast ; called the wifey ! we talked. i took a shower and then went to her house. we chilled in her house home alone. LMAOOOOOOOO we saw david and PiTUFO called so i wanted to call back ! she didnt want to thoughhh !! lmaooo so i acted as if i were her cousin and bro we sucked ! my wifey kept on making me LAUGHHHHHHH ! so he didnt belive it but whatveahh i went along with being her cousin and then he asked for my name and brooooo i blanked out and said - sasha - ! the dogs name lmao so the dog started barking ! whatevahh then we told them the truth and talked to them online and saw them on webcam. well gotta go. i`ll updat tommorow. love youuuu muahss.