- RAIN RAIN GO AWAY.....so everytime I try to go to the pool we get all dressed and ready (and trust me..this takes a while with val and Tara getting ready) we walk to the pool....takes about 5 minutes....then we get there...get in the water...and it starts RAINING....how am I supposed to get a tan if it keeps raining? Today I was all excited cuz Jeff and Jaime were going to which meant that I didn't have to watch the girls...I could actually lay out and get a tan....so I got there...layed out for a bit....got in the water to cool off and it started raining and thundering...AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH....so back to the apartment I go!
- 9 DAYS....I am only here for 9 more days...I can't wait to get home...I miss everyone sooo much...I'm going to miss being here tho...I wasn't sure if I would.....but I do think I'm going to miss it....but I am going to come back and visit sometime this year once Jenny, Mike, and Meg get back down here so I can see them too!!!
- KOSA.....Last year was my first year going to Kosa and I loved it A LOT....Laura kind of got on my nerves sometimes (but when doesn't she? LOL) I can't believe I am going to miss it this year...and only by TWO days!!
- THIS WEEKEND....so Jeff and Jaime (his Girlfriend) have been fighting quite a bit this weekend....she hasn't really been home much either...she went out Friday night....and got home around mid-night...saturday she stayed in her room the whole day...and today she was here but in her room most of the day (probably practicing her witchcraft...she is wiccan...which means she is a witch!!! I hope she doesn't turn me into a frog!!!) anyways...then she went out to meet friends for dinner...I understand she needs to hang out with her friends but she is only doing it now to avoid Jeff....and I know this for a fact because I read her online journal and she said it was true! LOL....I know..I'm going to hell!!! She has decided that she isn't going to come to Vermont in September w/ Jeff for my brother's wedding because she would feel uncomfortable sharing a hotel room w/ Jeff and his dad....she said she would rather share a room w/ me and my family (which she hasn't EVER met!) she is a psycho!!!! Jeff stayed up both nights this weekend drinking..which was fine...I drank a little too, but he stayed up on the computer (which is in MY room) and didn't go downstairs until at least 3 each day....and he expected me to just sleep through him talking to all of his online girlfriends that I think he has! I love him to death....but he doesn't think of anyone but himself....EVER.....yesterday he asked who wanted to go to the pool and Tara said that she did..so then he asked me and I said "sure" so he was like ok...you can take tara cuz I have to stay here w/ Val she doesn't want to go.....he didn't even ask me if I would mind taking Tara he just ASSUMED it would be ok.....GOSH...he makes me mad sometimes!
P.S. If you go shopping and buy presents for three out of the four other people in the house..would you pass them out in front of that fourth person you didn't buy anything for? ..... NO...I didn't think SO!!!
Jenny....can't wait for our Real World/Pizza/Getting High Party......it's going to be AMAZING!!!