Dec 07, 2007 23:41
Four sets of grades turned in and only a few more to go.
Fall semester is, by nature, very different from spring term.
It begins in summer, a summer than continues almost into October although the days get imperceptibly shorter. Then - blam! - it's Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then finals, then gone. And now it's colder. The sun sets on the way home from work.
Spring term begins in cold, bleak January. It drags on until spring break. Then - blam! - it's April and the final compressed weeks to do things that you thought you had many more weeks to do, then finals, then commencement, then gone. And now it's warmer. The sun sets long after dinner.
Fall term begins with anticipation. Everything is new. Every sports teach is undefeated. Every class is fresh. Fall term doesn't end but sort of fades away as people finish exams and disappear.
Spring term begins with a world weariness, a tiredness from the holidays. The air is cold (although January tornadoes cannot be ruled out), the sky is bleak. Can we just hang on until spring break? Spring term ends with finality. Graduation. Goodbyes.
That's why I'm not so much looking forward to the holidays or even to spring break.
I'm looking forward to May Term.