So today and yesterday have been good days! Yesterday...I umm...I forgot what I did. Hmm...Oooh! I hung around for the afternoon, and then I went to dinner with Jaya at CPK. It was yummy and lots of funnie! lol. Then I hung out with Nick for a little while. I hadnt seen him for a little over a month, so it was really nice to see him. I missed him.
So today....before I tell you about today...HOLY SHIT it's pouring outside! And its starting to thunder! WHOOOA! Scary! lol I love it! Ok so today I worked...yeah that was fine...Then after I went with my Mom and Sister to Circut City and I got a digital camera! The one Ive used all this time was a Kodak one that came out when digital cameras first started to become it was pretty bad. I bought a Casio QVR51.Go look it up for yourself if you want to know what it looks like.
I love it! I really do..I just feel bad cause I hate spending money, but I really think that I will put this to great use.
Anyway, around 3:50, Nikita and I went to play tennis. It was sooo hot out which sucked, but I had a lot of fun. Her and I then walked into down where I had an ice tea (its a ritual after I play tennis) and then I went to the nail place. Ok, so today I was being more girly than I normally am. I usually NEVER am like this but I felt like it.
So I went home after and ate dinner, and then I went to Nikitas around 7. And Nikita...curled my hair! So those of you who know me, and know what I look like, I have straight hair. I never do anything cool with it, and I have never seen myself with curly hair. So I was like, you know what? I want to see what I look like! So she curled it! Im going to post 2 pictures at the bottom so yeah. We just hung around, Nikita and I, and talked and had some deep conversations. We also listened to the music we used to listen to..oh man good times!
I had such a fun time tonight! Thanks Nikita for making me girly for the evening HAHA! Then I left around 10:45...We were going to sit and wait outside for my sister, but Nikita & I were sitting and we saw a daddy longlegs! *shivers* And I screamed. Then she saw another! And I screamed more and ran inside where we found another! Then I was scared. lol Im such a spaz.
Anyway its pouring and thundering now..just the way I like it. Im going to go to bed. But before I do, here are two pictures.
Then end.