May 12, 2005 18:43
:) Extremely fun field trip yesterday. I didn't really learn anything, considering we kind of poked our heads into the exhibit we were supposed to go into, said "Nah ..." and made a beeline for the Hope Diamond. That exhibit was exciting and stuff, and the jewels were really beautiful. I wish I had actually read the card on it, though, because I think it told you how valuable it was. D.C.'s officially like my favorite city ever. It's so beautiful, and there are quite a few really hott guys to be seen walking around. It's ever so much fun.
On the way up we played *M*A*S*H* the whole time, which was rather exciting. I ended up married twice, with about seventy kids. Funny thing was, we didn't get to the museum until almost eleven, even though we left at eight, because we had to drop off the tenth grade. Then we all moved up to the front of the bus, because the tenth grade took up the whole middle, forcing us to split into two sections. I ended up next to Erich, and he somehow ended up with my camera, which now has three different pictures of the Washington monument in it (two of them are awful) and about five million of Erich, because he rather enjoyed taking pictures of himself. (And of me, when I wasn't looking, which was rather irksome.) Nonetheless, it was a fun trip.
So apart from George's nasty comment, which I will not repeat here, lest some innocent young eyes come upon it, the day was pretty good all in all. We didn't really learn anything, but we got lost in a couple exhibits. I didn't get to go to the fossil exhibit because we ran out of time in the stupid gift shop. *fumes* Rocks!
I think we spent more time on the bus than we did in the museum, and the bus was waaaaaaayyy more interesting than the museum anyway. We were all so tired on the way back (from walking and sitting for three hours in the bus in the morning, not to mention getting up in various small hours of the morning) that no one wanted to do anything. I ended up next to Erich (again), and the poke fight we got into was rather ponderous and half-hearted. Eventually, I got really sick of being poked, plus I could hardly move my arms anymore, so I fell asleep on him (yet again). When I woke up again, we wrote a story (seven words each, finishing sentences, ruining lives -- you know, normal stuff), which got passed around the bus several times. I fell asleep again toward the end of the trip, and woke up just as we were getting back.
And THEN! Grr ... Mommy told me I wasn't supposed to lean on Erich anymore, and when I get back into her classroom, MC does guess what? Oh no, but it's worse than you think. Let me see if I can produce a direct quote ... of the conversation, that is.
"You're coming with us."
"Yeah, I know."
"Did your mom tell you?"
"I just called her."
"Missy and Erich were snuggling."
And Mother proceeded to glare at me. Needless to say, I wasn't too happy with her. Conveniently, however, Erich walks in five seconds later and starts talking.
My life is ruined.
On that note, my life is, yet again, ruined. I have this weekend to do a paper that I haven't even started, and do not intend to start until Friday night. Procrastination -- look what you've done!!!! I'm going to die!