Jun 23, 2005 23:21
I'm gonna stretch my senses here and try to do another 101 things about myself.
1. I'm curious if I can accomplish this.
2. Yesterday I killed a frog with an arrow.
3. I can't relax.
4. I'm never home.
5. I sing to the radio.
6. I'm not allowed to have pets.
7. I have a parakeet that lives at my friend's house.
8. My mom bought me men's deodorant.
9. My dad is afraid to shave his moustache.
10. I like spontinaity.
11. I would really really like to go to California.
12. I'm watching the Pistons.
13. My first job was stuffing envelopes at Weight Watchers.
14. I love Bahama Breeze.
15. I have a 3.28 GPA.
16. I don't want to waste High School
17. I don't understand why people want to vacation in the same state they live in.
18. I'd love to go to Europe.
19. I eat a lot of salad.
20. I prank called somebody last night ( or at least participated in a prank call)
21. I slept in a tent last night
22. I've never gone camping with my family. we DON'T camp.
23. I swear a lot when I drive by myself....
24. This isnt' really facts but random observations.
25. Today I was accused of having an affair with a 75 year old man.
26. I think laundromats are kinda cool.
27. I love going to hotels.
28. I care to much about what people think about me.
29. I think it'd be cool to be on Pom.
30. Once I interviewed Chuck Gaidica.
31. I get restless a lot.
32. I was in girl scouts twice, once in 2nd grade and once in 8th.
33. Neither was very successful.
34. I'm very independent.
35. I think that's good.
36. I love profile stalking.
37. I was in FUMC Youth Musical this year for the first time.
38. I used to collect beanie babies.
39. I never had a birthday party until I was 9.
40. When I was little my favorite restaurant was KFC.
41. I want to be a reporter for the YES Network.
42. It's my dream in life.
43. I would never let my child be raised an only child.
44. I hate being an only child.
45. I'm very adaptable.
46. I wish my eyelashes were dark.
47. I think the Pistons are gonna lose.....
49. I like Traverse bay chcolate cherry ice cream.
50. I like dark chocolate.
51. I am without a shoulder to cry on.
52. My grandma and grandpa Heyman are my inspiration.
53. I wish I knew my grandparents when they were young.
54. If I ever wrote a book it would be called I can write a book and it would be about my grandmother's halocaust story.
55. I'm going on a cruise on the 4th of July.
56. I love Harry Potter.
57. For some odd reason I've always been facinated by child birth.
58. I love cities.
59. I love crowds.
60. I'm a night person.
61. Once my VCR got struck by lightening.
62. I exagerate a lot.
63. I don't understand how people think I look like my mother.
64. I look exactly like my dad.
65. I hope to get married some day.
66. I want to get a second job at Dairy King next summer.
67. I have a sweatshirt with cows on it.
68. I want to be in drama club but it intimidates me.
69. I am not intimidated by adults.
70. I'm getting tired of coming up with things to say.
71. I like Michael Jackson music.
72. I was intruiged by the Terri Schiavo case.
73. The Pistons just lost.
74. I'm getting tired of this.
75. I'll finish later