Heroes S4E3

Sep 30, 2009 18:07

Random musings during the epi

What I would give for ZQ to randomly pop up at me during the day. Just saying. Matt should stop whining.

Ok, Im really not sold on the circus people.

I've been served with a subpoena before and it's not all tricky like they make it sound on tv. I got a call saying, "I have a subpoena for you, when's a good time to give it to you?" And I told them. I thought about evading it on GP though. And isn't there a law that you can't be sued for messing up and hurting someone when you're trying to help them or save their lives?

Random chick with leaky faucet is random.

"I wish I was a ghost..." *giggle*

*snort* "you're annoying as hell but ultimately harmless."

Are the bad guys ever there when tv cops break into their house?

Ok, they had Parkman walk around Sylar. Considering he's only semi real shouldn't they have had a better special effect for that?

Ok with Claire in college - it reminds me of when Buffy went to college. I feel like I've already seen this story line. Only Angel is a 'ghost' in Matt's head. Or maybe it's Spike that's a ghost in Matt's head.

Leave it to parents to mess everything up. Yes, of course Gretchen should have lunch with them. Mr. Over Protective randomly thinks inviting Claire's friends to family things is a good idea?? Since when??

"Oh, did he.. I can't believe people actually say that." - ROFLMAO! I love funny snarky Sylar. Bored Sylar is so terribly yummy. "It's because I ooze charm" But what's up with ZQ's hair? It's weird.

Oooh, the stuffed rabbit - this time Sylar's not killing the fluffy pretty bunny and *then* stuffing it. Never going to be ok with that episode from S3.

Ok, wow, Peter with the random deaf chick - he's actually being cute. Peter should avoid people with accents. And Peter does look hot in paramedic outfit - forgive me. Normally I skip right over any Pet but Mamma Pet.

"What if I don't like yellow" LOL! The napkin trick! I need to learn that.
Ok Daddy dearest don't get all snippy you're the one who had Gretchen go to lunch.

"you're ignoring me now?" "doesn't feel good does it" Awww, Sylar's pouting.

Sylar's the hero of the show, really.

Ummm, is it so wrong of me that I agree with Sylar about Matt using his powers - as a cop that could be handy. WTF?? NO WAY!!!! WTG Sylar! Give up Matt. Give me Sylar's body back.

So is this like Highlander and vampire stories - are Claire and Sylar going to stay their ages forever? Or until they kill each other. And is Peter still invincible too or did he lose that power?

Ok what world does circus guy live in? Did he really think strangers were going to let him into their house?

Serious why does she trust Gretchen? I mean, they all deserve a side kick *coughiwantlukebackcough* but, really? After everything they've been through she's randomly going to tell her secrets to people? And Daddy dearest is so lying to her.

Maybe Sylar can recommend a good lawyer to Matty. OH! SNAP! When Sylar's proud of you, it's been a bad day.

Ok, I dont get the power that circus boy has. How'd he sink the house?


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