does anyone know how to make goldfish hardcore? not that Im worried about my masculinity being threatend by owning goldfish. I was just wondering if theres a way to make fish hate emo kids.
"its japanese. thats a different kind of gay"
I got a new the hat. thats twice the sexual thunder as before. The hat has a power not unlike Prince, or Henry Rollins. if you look at me wearing it, you will instantly want to get the make outs, regaurdless of your gender. I also dug out one of my black 3/4 length coats, which also looks very nice one me. which begs the question "why is everything that people think I look good in made for a girl?" probibly the prince factor again.
I also wonder how many of you non Monterey people know what I look like? in case you didnt, I supply picture. Minna is not allowed to look lol! owned!
I was going to get you with but he has closed