Jul 15, 2004 18:54
i decided that i really really like crab curry. but only when rupa makes it. my moms crab currry= sucks. but all her other food is delish to the max.
i got postacards/letters so far from annie and di. di's return address was in chinese! i was like... woah.
this week has been wonderful. i realized that my life is absolutely perfect. and it cannot get any better. and that makes me uneasy because if it is so perfect now, its doomed to get worse, since thats how cycles go.
work has been cool, theres a couple cool guys there. The youngest is 19! can we say statuatory? haha no jk, i'm content with what i got now. but yeah, his name is alex. he's pretty cool, and makes me think that i will get scholarships from umd. which would ROCK SO HARD. hes pretty much on a full ride, just because he got a 1560. so we are buddies! and then this other guy, mike, is hilarious too. everytime i talk to him i think i am just going to keep laughing forever. the metro is pretty cool too. i ride orange all the way till l'enfant, then switch to green and ride up to college park. so its like an hour and a 1/2 tops. this morning, i was about to cry because the machine ate my $20! but the metro operator guy fixed it, and all was better. apparently i looked like i was about to cry, and i definitely felt like crying, so he was very consoling.
what have i done recently... not alot. hung out with marikoko alot, we watched some pretty shitty movies man. the scheme. dont see it. i dont care if jimmy fallon is in it, dont see that shit. also, love dont cost a thing and matchstick men and cold mountain. between mari and james, i think i have seen pretty much every movie i have wanted to in blockbuster. or.. watched. or not. even the transformers movie! man that shit was tight. one of the guy curses, and its a kids movie! needless to say, i was shocked and appalled.
so yes, there is nothing that could be better about my life. i am having people over tommorow, so if you want to stop by and say hi, its cool with me. i will be busy losing alot of money in poker :) i dont even think i am skinny anymore. you might disagree, but fuck you. ballston is a shitty mall. and the orioles are terrible. but clemens BLEW in the allstar game, and miguel won the hr derby. so that made my day. and the fact that i got to watch the game with someone who i really wanted to watch the game with. that was wonderful too.