Jan 30, 2007 19:51
i dont get it. i was always taught to be happy for your friends when they have good fucking news. i am soo tireed of fucking hearing that "its' not their fault-their men" they're allowed to be absent-minded fuckheads while its NOT okay for me to do the same things. i cannot believe how one bad response pulled me down. double standards are fucking unacceptable in the 21st century...its just so irritating-disappointing- and hurtful. it fucking sucks. i am so tired of people telling me not to worry about it, that i'll view it differently soon -- maybe i will but i cannot see my future and i dont know what lies ahead so if im hurt and angry now, telling me "my viewpoint on everything is going to change in the next 9 months" doesnt make me feel any less hurt, only a little bit overdramatic (which i probably am being but i dont like it when people disappoint me when i never expected them to, especially something so life fucking changing. sorry for ranting.