Sep 24, 2012 22:02
Busy day, hard work, good outcomes.
Cleaned the old house, gave a whole lotta boxes to a friend who is moving, took a lot of old icky boxes to the recycling center, found out that the recycling center will take all my old styrofoam that I thought I'd have to pay the city $2/bag to haul away, got white voile curtains to sugarcoat the stationary burglar bars at the Cheapo Linens store, got a sticker for $2 so the city will haul away one piece of extra trash, got milk on "Moo Monday" when it's cheap, and got the kitchen a little more unpacked: we have a stove, an oven, a frying pan, and a pot, as well as a little more counter space. And the herbs and spices in small jars are put away.
I have a lot of herbs and spices.
I use them all, honest.
... It's a sickness, isn't it. I should pare down. When the small jars take an entire cabinet shelf, and the medium-size jars plus the turntable of different salts take the rest of the cabinet, and I haven't put away the big jars yet...
The turntable of salts sort of puts it over the top. But what do people use when they haven't got the right salt for the job? I mean, can one just use plain table salt instead of Northwoods from Penzeys, or truffle salt, or Rudy's Rub? What could substitute for kelp? What about kosher salt versus table salt? And for the love of Neptune, what about sea salt?