Aug 10, 2004 20:43
i haven't updated in all of 2 days. i don't think that's that bad. but oh well, i guess i'll fill you in.
y e s t e r d a y i really didn't do anything. i went to the library to try to find animal farm & some book on my derek jeter. they didn't have like anything so we left, had lunch, and just chilled. then i just watched tv. amanda called w/ taylor jen & dylan on the phone, so i talked to them for a bit. and then kate called, so i talked to her. then slept and blah blah.
t o d a y i woke up around 10:30 because manda & tay were on the phone so i talked to them for all of 15 minutes & then i picked up manda and we went to the mall to get our books to read for school, we are such procrastinators. so she got cheaper by the dozen and i got animal farm & the life you imagine by derek jeter <33333. so at least one book will be interesting to read. so we came home and i just plopped on my bed and started reading about my baby's life, and i actually finished one chapter. yay. =) so then we made lunch and watched tv. then we decided we needed some exercise so we rode our bikes to the green to get slurpees. rode back had raviolis and then went back to her house, where we watched the video of lone oak hat we had video-taped the morning before we left. i saw taylor jen & was real funny cuz dylan put a frog on me n i liek shrieked and fell to the ground. it was so funny, my facial expression and yeah i'm out i'm going to watch the yankee game, so basically my baby. comment if you wanna.
x0x LiSs<3