Stuff I Don't Complain About

Mar 24, 2007 22:45

There are some rather nice things about living in Napier. It would be more convenient for me if I was staying in Hastings, but Napier is definitely the nicer town. It's on the coast of Hawkes Bay; the beach is about two blocks from the backpacker hostel. The sea is lovely and it's nice to have it so close. I often go for walks along the shore to relax after work, and lately I've been getting up half an hour earlier to see the sun come up over the Pacific Ocean.

The hostel is a cozy place. A lot of fruit pickers live here, and they're from all over the place - Chile, Japan, Czech Republic, Germany. In the evenings we sometimes watch movies or play cards together. There's also a cat named Quizzer, who gets petted quite frequently. He pretends not to care, of course.

The owner of the hostel, Kathryn, owns a farm not far from Napier, and you can work there in exchange for accomodation. I went out there last weekend and cleaned the house for her, while a couple of German girls did some painting on the roof. We met her neighbor, an interesting elderly man named Buster, who built most of his house by himself at age 85. He made us lunch - pancakes with jam and cream. And when we were done with our work, Kathryn let us take the horses out for a short walk.

My boss's name is Dave, and Dave has a lean brown dog named Flinn, who comes with him to the orchard. Flinn likes me and comes over to say hi sometimes, but usually he's busy with other stuff. He runs around the orchard all day, and takes naps in the shade. He also hunts rabbits. A few days ago, he caught and ate three. I was very impressed.
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