Some stuff...

Mar 07, 2006 00:07

Hi pplz.
Before I went 2 sleep I did these so here u go. Enjoy loves! Mwa!! Bye. T2ul, nite nite. hehe :o)


The Foot Soldier
Achtung! You are 46% brainwashworthy, 40% antitolerant, and 47% blindly patriotic

You're not evil exactly, but you still would've joined the German army. Driven by STRONG patriotism and a willingness to do ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

americanbond007 March 6 2006, 23:20:19 UTC
I am a Resistance fighter lmao! I'm patriotic, but I'm not at all easy to brainwash and I am low in the "antitolerance" level. So basically I love my country so much that I'd fight people to prevent it from getting fucked over.

For reference, my friend Rich is a Nazi General, and Bellows is Adolf Hitler. Strange how the most German kid out of all of us is the one likely to fight the Nazis ;-)


no duhhh yanina15 March 7 2006, 09:17:02 UTC
lol ur the "smart" 1. haha ;o)


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