Dec 17, 2005 13:43
Hola amigos. Wuts up guys?
Nm here, just got up... yes at this hr. lol Ima lazy ass wut can I say?? haha :oX Okies well yesterday was quite a day 4 me man. Went 2 skool til like 9:20 am n gave out gifts n got my gifts 2. In 1st per we just talked n talked bout crap. Meena gave me cookies so I was sorta on a sugar rush. lol Chris broke up wit his gf, well more like she told him she didn't kno if she loved him nemore n they got in2 a fight n then it was done 4. :o/ So I had 2 spend a lil time consoling him n makin him happy. He had tears, I was crushed man. :o( Yeh well that was a lil time wasted n then I walked him 2 our 2nd per n there we just chilled some more. Brooks gave the guys some "magnet" toys n they played wit em. I was like wow it only takes a few simple toys 2 keep em all busy. lol Amy n I just talked n talked bout our "guys." lol They are very confusing at times but w/e. haha Um after a lil bit of wasting time n that class I went home early. I got home n went str8 2 sleep cuz I was le tired. heh Then I got up n packed some more clothes n wut not. Cleaned the house a bit n got ready 2 go out. Elyse wanted 2 hang out but I cudn't cuz I went over Steph's house 4 a lil while... more like the whole day. lol Yeh I got 2 her house n we hung out 4 a bit n did w/e, just talkin n wut not cuz we were a lil bored. Then we went 2 get some dinner at Subways n then a lil desert at Starbucks. We then walked around this lil plaza area n a few pothead guys said hi 2 us so we just went back 2 Starbucks n sat on some couches n relaxed cuz they freaked us out... stalkers! haha :oX So we chilled n talked n took pixs n then this Starbucks guy named James came over n we talked n wut not. lol He's very random n kools. He was cleaning n he started 2 dance 4 us n then we all took pixs 2gether. haha He's 19 n starting college n the next 2 yrs cuz he didn't have $$. I was like kools, we got his myspace pg n we kept on talkin n wut not. He's Irish n has nice green eyes. Very cute, some1 my mom wud approve off xcept he likes 2 party n smoke. :o/ Oh well. The party crap I cud deal wit but smoking... ehh when u kiss some1 who smokes u taste it n it's icky. But w/e... not like were ganna go out. But according 2 Steph we were flirting a lot, esp when takin pixs n wut not. haha ;o) Um yeh so he went 2 work some more n we kept talkin n then Elyse passes by the front of the store n she noticed me n I was like ahhh! lol Were like hey!!!! So I jumped on her n yeh it was funny n the guy joined in n then jumped wit us. heh They were like wut are u doing here? And I was like just talkin n flirting wit the cute Starbucks guy. And he started 2 blush n laugh but then he went back 2 work. lmao! Idk wut I was on cuz I wudn't EVER do something like that b4... I guess it's the effects of being 18 again? lol :oP So yeh um Elyse n Danielle talked wit us a bit n then they took me 2 the cheap dollar store cuz it was 2 ghetto 4 me 2 even walk in. lol I was like ima get mugged! haha So yeh they pushed me in there n then we saw this hooka selling store n we went 2 see how "kools" they were n wut not. Yeh rite... n yeh um they dropped Steph n I back at Starbucks n they went 2 see Danielle's bf at this martial arts place. Um Stph n I stayed a lil longer n then went 2 Publix 2 buy her mom some donuts n then we left. As we were leaving James the Starbucks guy asked us wut we were up 2 n I was like either kegger or movies... cuz those were the plans wit Elyse but turned out we didn't do either. lol Steph hates movies cuz she falls asleep n em... idk how?!? haha And then the kegger was raided by the time I got info on it... 12 am. lol Wut luck huh? So yeh went back 2 Steph's house n we just hung out 4 a while n w/e. Then I went home around 1 n I got home n packed some more n then I got hyper n went dancing everywhere n wut not. haha My mom was like wth... she was payin bills or something. Yep so it was kools last nite. Well yeh now I g2g cuz I need 2 buy my 3 favorite gurls, Sandra/Amy/Miche, some xmas gifts n a bday gift 4 my lover, Miche. hehe ;o) 2nite is her party. Whoo! And hopefully clubbing 2. :oP hehe So yeh I'll t2ul guys. Mwa! Bye.
look how far we've made it,
Yani. :oP