Actually I don't know what to write in my LJ... On some point I want to be useful for KAT-TUN's fandom, but how can I do it? I can't do icons or wallpapers, the same about news and new scans or video, because I don't know chinese/korean and can't find anything in their blogs ^^'
Maybe the only thing I can do is fanvids. I became interested in making video a few days ago, so it takes me long time to learn how to use some programs like Vegas Studio... Back then my first willing was to delete that stupid Vegas, cause I couldn't understand absolutely nothing! :D
But somehow I made one video! And I was so proud of the fact that I had done it finally ^^
My first fanvid... sounds good ;)
Yamapi / Masami
Wishing on the Same Star
I like this pairing, much more than Yamaki ^^
Click to view
That's all! Jaa ne ~