I love this Fukucho/Soucho(Yamanami-san) thing. I just love every combi from Shinsengumi, I guess XD
Not to mention Soucho talking about how much Koji loves Shingo, lol. Never get tired of it.
On today's Haran Bakusho, Koji was a guest. Sakai Masato made a VTR comment.
Sakai-san said,
"Shinsengumi, the drama itself, was carried by Yamamoto Koji. I mean, the driving force was Yamamoto Koji's love for Katori Shingo." LOL, sasuga Yamanami-san! He continued, "Of course, it wasn't just that, but... it was a big power. It was similar to our characters too. Like how we all get along well. I think the foundation was Yamamoto Koji's power. I still think that way now. I never found any other work team like that. Surpassing my feeling of respect for him, sometimes I think he's weird. Annoying. He keep saying "I love you" to Katori-kun. And I'd think 'He's still saying that?' " mwahahahaha, I can imagine Sakai-san getting totally confused hearing Koji still saying "I love you, I love you" to Shingo in last year's Shinsengumi year-end party lol.
Koji was talking to the host a bit and then he drank his drink listening to what Sakai said, maybe Koji was a bit embarrassed to hear it, so he was restless at this moment lol.
Then, Sakai talked about how Koji used to hit on the NHK receptionist LOL!
"When we were in NHK, he kept seducing the receptionist lady. (everyone in the studio laughed) (Sakai-san paused for a moment) I'm not sure if it's okay for me to talk about this. Actually, he was trying to help us out. We were all bunch of men, no women among us that time. So Koji-kun talked to her so he could introduce us, the men, to her. I was happy about it, but actually I didn't need him to do that for me." hahaha.... Yamanami-san....
Q. Do you know what type of person that Yamamoto-san hates?
"I'm not sure... But he did say that he'd still keep in touch with people he hates. I think that's amazing. When he hate someone, he doesn't try to avoid them. I'm the exact opposite! I don't want to meet the person I hate, if I can! I'd definitely avoid people I hate."
Q. Is there anything you want Yamamoto-san to fix?
LOL, I love it whenever Sakai-san tilts his head like this when he thinks hard...hahaha.... choooo Yamanami-san!
"We're totally the different type of men. He's the exact opposite of me. So, it's hard to answer if you ask me what I like him to fix... cause I never agree with him. (everyone in the studio laughs) (host: Wow, you two seem to be really good buddies!) I mean, he's popular among the ladies, he can play guitar, he can sing. I wonder which one he likes more? Singing or acting? It makes me mad when I see him. He can sing so good and act so good. I wish he'd stop acting, then. If I have to choose. I want him to stay singing, though."
Sakai's last message,
"Koji-kun, long time no see. Whenever I go drink with you, I always got drunk earlier, and you were the one who always paid the bills. Next time we meet, I'll pay the bill. Ganbatte kudasai,"
Hahahaha...... Yamanami-saaaannnnnnn..... Sakai Masato is just totally Yamanami-san from A to Z, I love him! lol! He's totally different type of man than Koji. Gosh, that's just so Fukuchou & Soucho! Haha... what Sakai said abt Koji reminds me of Fukucho and Soucho's rivalry LOL. I really, really love Sakai Masato as a part of the Shinsengumi gang.... but whenever I remember Miho is his wife, I feel "Nnnnnnnn...." toward Sakai-san. haha... so I'm trying not to remember that lol. So weird I know.
Koji said he understand how he's the exact opposite than Sakai. Then, he imitated Sakai-san, lol.
The host asked "So you don't avoid people you hate?"
"I think I'm the type who'd continue to make an effort to like someone that I hated in the beginning. He said that I'm annoying, right? For example, Katori-kun is the type who doesn't contact people. But we were suppose to play characters binded with a strong bond for the whole one year, so if he's like that, then it's trouble for me. I asked him 'Let's go drink together' he said 'No, I definitely won't go'"
"Well, normally... I'd go 'Ok, I see'...but then the year will pass by in a boring way, that way. Then, he told me 'A few people challenged themselves to get my number, but they all failed, so Yamamoto-san, you better give up earlier." Host asked "People around you told you that?" Koji said "No, it was Katori-kun himself"
”I told him 'Fine, since you said that I definitely won't get it, you better get ready' he said 'It's fine, you definitely won't get it anyway' Then six months later, he said to me 'Yamamoto-san, you're amazing. You're still not giving up, aren't you?' "
Host "So everytime you meet him, you asked him to tell you his number?"
"No, since he definitely won't tell me his number, so I wrote my own number and handed it over to him but then he will give it to his manager, and the paper was immediately torn apart and thrown away, in front of me. One day, I looked at him pressing his room's code numbers from afar."
Host "That's what a stalker does!"
"Then when he had filming, I was waiting inside his room holding his cellphone. He came to the room looking surprised, 'Why are you here?' then I told him 'See? If you underestimate me, I can steal your cellphone, y'know' Then he changed the room's code, but I looked at it from afar again. That happened about 3 times. At the very end, he said to me, "It's getting troublesome, why don't you steal my mail address too?"
Host "It's like a story of your ultimate romance!"
Mhahahaha.... the ultimate romance indeed! Well, the true story is longer than this though. They should make the complete documentary about how Koji stole Shingo's number one day, LOLOL!
Koji showed his house and showed the sunglasses, Shingo gave him as bday present.
Apparently Shingo have the same one?
These are zippo lighters that Kimura Takuya gave Koji.
Koji "SMAP members are so kind," hahaa
Nakai had once said Yamamoto Koji is one of the very little number of people who can come in and out SMAP's changing room at SMAP concert's backstage, anytime he want without permission. Hahaa.... all SMAP members love Koji, ne. Nakai explained the changing room is really for all five of 'em. I like the fact SMAP use one big backstage room together for concerts, rather than separate rooms^^
Gosh, watching Sakai-san talking about Kyokucho and Fukucho, really makes me want to see a Shinsengumi reunion *v*