Feb 20, 2007 01:02
Sometimes you just have to stop and breathe for a second..
I feel like im living my life in fast foward. Too much happens too quickly. Diffrent people and places come and go from my life so quickly and I feel like I have nothing soild to hold on to. I know need to chill and get my priorties together, but it's so much harder thah I ever could have thought. I like being always on the go, always going somewhere; doing something. However, I've been getting myself into some risky situations and everytihng is just piling up on me at at once.
I've decided to stay in Albany for at least one more year. California and Manhatten can wait. I'm only 18, I have plenty of time do do the things I want to do. I'm overwheliming myself with all these ideas of what I want to do with myself and my life. Really what I have to do is chill out and do some homework. Do the school thing for a while. It'll be worth it in the end, I belive.
Oh, I resuurrected my love for Dance Dance Revolution tonite. I don't think that game will ever get old :p