Готье умер?

Jul 09, 2012 12:55

CNN объявило певца готье Мёртвым.
По интернету до сих пор гуляет эта информация, удивительно,ч то на русскоязычных сайтах ничего.
Причём написали конкретно-застрелился.
Реакция Готье повеселила:))

At 4:32 AM EST, it was reported that Gotye had shot himself in the head with a 9mm handgun. He was pronounced dead at 4:45 AM, and the investigation concluded that the cause of death was suicide. It was confirmed shortly after by family and friends. He was quickly taken to the Central Montmorency Hospital, but died from his injuries shortly after. His family has stated that they plan a closed funeral.

музыка, gotye

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