NoThing to WORRY about

Sep 12, 2011 13:38

You may never have realized it, but in the long run we have nothing to
worry about. Let me explain...
During the long, boring cycle of life, you only have two things of
consequence to really worry about - being well or being sick. If you are
well, there's nothing to worry about. If you are sick, there are two things
to worry about - getting better or getting worse. If you get better, you
have nothing to worry about. If you get worse, you have only two things to
worry about - living or dying. If you live, you have nothing to worry
about. If you die, there are only two things you have to worry about -
going to heaven or going to hell. If you go to heaven, you have nothing to
worry about. If you go to hell, you'll be so busy shaking hands with old
friends that you'll have nothing to worry about.
So, you see, in the long run no one has anything to worry about!

юмор, английский, психология, боян

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