Aug 26, 2010 16:15

да, кстати.
21 августа я сдала IELTS
результаты будут через 3 недели примерно.
Если у кого будут вопросы или захотите обсудить - чем смогу -помогу.

А пока моменты которых не знала и удивили.
Чтоб не писать еще раз - выложу письмо которое писала преподу.

Dear Colin

This is Elena Ianonis writing in order to describe IELTS and answer some questions we had before the examination.

1) Pencils & Erasers. They provide these if you ask them.

2) LISTENING. They had a lot of speakers so it could be heard equally to everyone. 1 Task contained map and plan so it was a little confusing.

3) Writing task 1. “Letter of Complaint to the sport shop”. WT2 “Pros&Cons of learning a foreign language at school”. (in Academic WT2 they had “how problems of the 3d World can be solved”)

4) Reading. General parts were very easy.

5) List&Reading. There were NO questions where we should think about articles and plurals.
Articles were in every sentence.
If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

ielts, английский

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