I kissed the mountain right in the sky
I kissed the rain right in the rainbow
I kissed the fire right in the ashes
I kissed the sea right in the shell
I kissed the forest right in the leaves
I kissed the night right in the star
I kissed the morning in its own mist
I kissed the afternoon in its own shadow
I kissed the time right in the second
I kissed the past in the memories
I kissed the future in the presentiment
I kissed the present right here
I kissed the death into the life
I kissed the life into the love
I kissed the love into the heart
I kissed the infinity right into the eternity,
I kissed all five senses:
Music, right in the sound,
Miracle, into the mystery,
I also kissed you, right inside of me
And the poetry, in the silence,
With my word and my spirit.
A kiss foreshadows a fairy tale,
I have to wait for your kiss,
The falling mountain cut the sky in half
Leaving the constellation,
Creator, Genius.
Is creating the universe, where you appeared,
You protect roads and homes,
Where we live by our fate,
And when I was about to kiss you,
You smiled like a mountain’s mist
With its fragrance in the valley,
And I felt beyond the dream,
That you also kissed me.