Jul 23, 2009 18:21
[Filtered from everyone but the drones; hackable]
Excuse me, Mr. Mayor? Mr. Police Chief? I...I have a confession to make. I've known for some time just who those people were who tried to break in. But I didn't want to say anything because I thought maybe they didn't mean any harm. Sometimes children can be so thoughtless.
And then once all the shops closed down, I realized how wrong it was to keep quiet about something like this, but I...I was scared you'd be mad at me. I'm so sorry.
I can't keep quiet anymore. These people really don't care about anyone but themselves, I've realized, if they haven't turned themselves in by now.
So I'll just tell you. The people responsible are Simon, Kamina, MOMO, Kaito, Ed, Mia Fey, and Maya Fey. Please, don't punish everyone else for their mistake. Just punish those responsible, and, and me, too, for knowing but not telling anyone.
But if you could just make sure my family is fed... It isn't their fault, not at all.