- Девять -

Oct 06, 2011 11:56

[This page contains doodles, small beginnings for the ideas of spells - some with pecular dark leanings, but nothing outright evil - and what looks to perhaps be scrapped ideas for homework assignments and the like - all of it in some of the sloppiest cyrillic that one would ever care to see, as he's clearly been using the journal to brainstorm]

[The scratchings stop abruptly - and some are partially covered by - a pecular red-brown splattering, in a shape that one might recognize as being similar to a particular piece of human anatomy.]

[Inkblots, where a quill has been dropped in surprise, and a smear coming from the splattering - something was picked up off of this journal.]

[Further handwriting is shaky at best, and it is a clear effort to be in English, for maximum possible solutions to this... problem.]

My... My heart has just fallen out. And I thought it a perfectly natural thing to be able to pick it up and put it right back into my chest.

What... is going on?

Why am I not dead?

...Class is cancelled for the time being, until I figure out what is going on, or come up with some sort of solution...

For now, if you need me, I will be in the hospital wing.

Hopefully this does not happen again on the way there.

[OOC: In-canon, Ivan's heart has a tendency to fall out from time to time. This does not effect him adversely, but it is not a normal thing to happen to Nations, as when it happens in a meeting, the rest of the Allied Powers freak out.]

event, sortinghat

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