I found a paper with evidence that marijuana causes physical addiction and creates withdrawal symptoms when taken away. Huh. If anyone is interested it's on pubmed.com. The authors are Milin Manion Dare and Walker.
I get more of a punch in the face going without my coffee in the morning than I do without my weed (which is to say, I have no withdrawal symptoms whatsoever). Let's not even get into the fact that Sean was on opiates for his pain before he switched to medical marijuana, and do I need to mention how damaging those are? Give me a fucking break.
Also, not all marijuana is smoked. Our dispensaries sell it in pill form, candy, baked goods, skin creams... Obviously with my lungs I can't smoke it so I usually eat it, but we're also saving up to buy a vaporizer so that I can inhale it without harmful smoke.
Also, not all marijuana is smoked. Our dispensaries sell it in pill form, candy, baked goods, skin creams... Obviously with my lungs I can't smoke it so I usually eat it, but we're also saving up to buy a vaporizer so that I can inhale it without harmful smoke.
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